Application FAQs

What does PCLB fund?
We support organizations whose work aligns with our program goals and our 10-year strategic plan. Please visit our individual Program Area pages to learn more about our funding priorities. Note that:

  • PCLB’s funding is targeted primarily to Connecticut and New York, except otherwise noted.
  • PCLB awards grants for both general operating support and restricted support, with a strong preference to support the general operations of the highest performing organizations involved with the issues of greatest interest to PCLB.
  • Awards are made primarily to non-profit charitable organizations that are tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or to public governmental agencies. On a case-by-case basis, we will also consider making awards to non-501(c)(3) organizations.
  • PCLB does not make grants for ticketed events or to individuals.

How can I apply for funding?
Our Program Team is in the field constantly, and they proactively seek partners who align with our funding interests. But we still might miss great organizations!

We encourage organizations whose work aligns with our program goals to send us an email at or pick up the phone to introduce themselves to PCLB. After an initial introduction has been made, this is what one can expect:

  • We strive to respond to every organization in a timely manner. Expect to hear back from someone on our Program Team with a response to your e-mail or call within 2-3 weeks.
  • After an initial exchange, if there is a potential fit, a PCLB Program Officer may request a more substantial meeting(s) to start getting to know your organization even better.
  • You and our Program Officer will determine whether there is a match for a partnership and funding opportunity. If yes, you will be invited to apply for a grant.
  • Grant applications go out via an online application system a few months before our Board of Directors meet to review and approve grant awards.

PCLB is committed to a fair and equitable grantee selection process focused on high-quality organizations with big, well-conceived ideas and/or proven capacity and capability to effect real change. Regrettably, with limited grant funding available, there are many worthy organizations that PCLB cannot support. For organizations who might not be a strong fit for us at the time of outreach, we welcome you to stay in touch with PCLB as your work, and our work, evolves over time.

For Current Grantees – How will I know if I can apply for funding again?
PCLB is committed to building genuine and trust-filled partnerships with their grantees. Once awarded a grant, we will remain in contact (via email, meetings, etc.) to learn more about the progress of your work, successes achieved, challenges encountered, and what is next on the horizon. You and your PCLB Program Officer will discuss whether your organization’s work continues to align with PCLB’s priorities and if ongoing funding is warranted. If yes, you will be invited to apply for renewed funding. The actual invite will go out through our automated online system 3-4 weeks before the deadline.

Application Timeline
PCLB has three grant cycles each year. Below is an approximate timeline for each cycle.

Fall Winter Spring
Invitation to Apply Beginning of August End of November Mid-February
Deadline to Submit Last Friday of August Third Friday of December First Friday of March
Review Period September – October January – February March – April
Decisions Announced By the end of November By the end of February By the end of May
Funds Dispersed,
Grant Period Starts
December March June

Can I get a preview of the application that PCLB will ask me to submit?
Yes, here is a copy of our standard application form. This form is for reference only: do not email us any application forms.

Where do I go to submit my application?
If you are invited to apply for PCLB funding, you will receive an email with an application link and additional instructions. The application link should only be clicked on once, as any additional clicks will generate duplicate forms. Only applications received through our online grants portal will be processed and reviewed.
Once you have made an account in our grants portal, we recommend you bookmark the following link for access in the future:

How much should I write in the application?
We do not impose any specific word/page limits on our application, as we do not want to constrain our applicants. Write as much as you need to provide us with a succinct yet comprehensive understanding of your proposed work. Feel free to speak with your Program Officer about their expectations of application length and contents. You are welcome to adapt/modify previously prepared materials for the purposes of our application. Keep in mind that your proposal is reviewed by a member of the PCLB Program Team and by our Board of Directors.

How do I respond to the question concerning how our work will be measured?
This is an open-ended question where we hope you will share with us the most critical or key outcomes and outputs that your organization is tracking and using to measure the progress and success of work. These can be both quantitative and qualitative data points.

How will I know if my application was awarded funding?
All funding decisions are approved by the PCLB Board at our Board Meetings. Announcements about funding decisions will go out via email from our Grants Administration Team. For proposals that were approved, also expect to hear from the Grants Administration Team about signing a grant agreement and processing the award payment. For expectations and processes around reporting on the funded proposal, visit the Reporting section of our FAQs.